‘Splash’ Festival Falmouth – What’s happening on Saturday?
Day two of ‘Splash’, Festival Falmouth, how are you enjoying it so far? There is still plenty more to come including all that is happening on Saturday 8th.
Dog Tales – The Poly – 11am -FREE
6 dogs , Ted, Brian, Big Max, Little Max, Stanley, Hebe and their young owners audition to be placed with one of six outstanding illustrators and authors. The challenge is then on for each author/illustrator to write a story and create a cover illustration IN 1 HOUR!

Rebecca Cobb
Since graduating from Falmouth Art college in 2004 Rebecca has worked on some amazing projects both solo and collaborative. She has worked with Orange Prize winner Helen Dunmore & award winning and popular childrens author Julia Donaldson. This challenge should be a walk in the park for her and her canine subject.

Simon James
Simon James has come a long way since he was asked to leave his police training for drawing penguins in his notebook. With awards that include the Smarties Book Silver Award, the New York Times best illustrated book, the Red House Children’s Book award, and the list goes on, we are sure that the police forces loss was and is the book worlds gain.

Michelle Caertlidge
Michelle Caertlidge has published over fifty books worldwide. She lives in Mousehole which, no doubt, is where the inspiration for her latest book, ‘The Mousehole Mice’, came from.

Elina Ellis
From a early age Elina Ellis learnt that drawing can make people smile. A flick through any of her drawings and you will not be able to stop the corners of your mouth turning up. From fairies who discover, ‘Summer sleeps, covered in sugar in a jar’, to capturing the endearing qualities of children absorbed in childhood. There is no doubt that Elina’s 1 hour challenge will have even the dogs smiling.

Michael Foreman
Michael Foreman has illustrated books by Roald Dahl, Charles Dickenes, Rudyard Kipling, The Brothers Grimm and Oscar Wilde. He has written and illustrated more books and celebrated more awards than you can shake a stick at. So don’t go shaking any sticks while there are dogs around. In his own words, ‘I have to be drawing otherwise I’m wasting my time. I love writing but it has to done where I couldn’t possibly be doing anything else – on planes, or waiting for people.’ Hmm will he be bringing his own plane then?

Caroline Uff
She may not have won a Blue Peter badge but she has certainly won her way into the hearts of many young children with her creation of ‘Lulu’. ‘Lulu’ features in her latest book, at least we hope she does because it is titled, ‘A Present for Lulu’. Who knows she may be getting a dog.
Each story will then be performed at The Poly with the difficult task of judging being conducted by Mike Foreman, Jackie Butler & Ron Johns. Rather them than we!
Scary Little Girls Present – Pens, Pants, Swords & Ships – Princess Pavillion (TR11 4AR) -12pm and then every 15 minutes there after final performance at 2.15pm-£9 Concessions £6
This interactive performance leads audiences on a route through Falmouth’s historic town aided by a map. Along the way you will be entertained, educated and enthralled with performances by artists from the ‘Scary Little Girls’, who will bring Cornish literature past and present to life.
Tickets available at The Poly Box Office ( 01326)319461
The Unveiling of the Big Splash Art Project – Grove Place (nr Trago Mills) – 1pm
From the historic to the contemporary. A digital showcase of creative diversity and talent in Cornwall will be unveiled today.
My Cornish Tales – Michael Foreman – The Poly – 2.30pm – £4
Wow Michael really knows how to keep himself busy! While the ink is still drying on his contribution to the ‘Dog Tales’, he will be staying at the Poly and presenting a talk on his newly published ‘Cornish Tales’. Plus, come along and hear him talk about his many other stories that have been inspired by the beauty and history of Cornwall including, ‘The Mermaid of Zennor’, ‘Dolphin Boy’, ‘ The Soggy Bear’, series and many, many more.
Tickets are sold from the Poly Box Office (01326)319461
Well we don’t know where to start! Do you?