Visit Falmouth’s New Commission Free Booking Facility
Visit Falmouth are pleased to announce the launch of our new commission free booking facility.
Now when you come to our online hub of all things Falmouth you can explore all the great events, places to visit, history and walks. Take a look at all the wonderful accommodation options, check availability and now book without ever leaving the site.
What’s even more exciting is, because the system is commission free our accommodation providers aren’t forced to put up their prices to cover the loss per booking they often incur with other bigger Online Travel Agents. So, you the guest can be certain the price you pay is the most competitive and with no hidden costs. Plus, when you book through Visit you are supporting the local economy and ensuring there are more and more great things happening each year for you to come back and enjoy.
…….and to celebrate we have teamed up with the popular wildlife cruise team AK Wildlife cruises to offer you the chance to WIN one of their exciting and beautiful wildlife cruises. Find out how you can take part <<HERE>>