Eloy’s Falmouth Holiday
Hello, my name is Eloy – I am a 9 year old blonde retriever retriever dog and I live in Germany. This is my story of my holiday adventure to a place called Falmouth in a country called England.

Off we go!
This really is a long journey so I have packed my toys and some food and I have my safe place in my family’s car. My humans (I just call them Mum & Dad) said it would take around 60 hours – whatever an hour is but I will try and spend a lot of the time asleep (but alert to anything).
Later the next day we are approaching a port – is that a bottle of wine? We are going into a metal tunnel with lots of other cars and my humans are getting out of the car – I think they are having a toilet break – I wouldn’t mind one as well – some of the other dogs are making a lot of noise – I guess they don’t like being left here. I will just put my paws over my head.
My humans are back and have started the car engine – we are moving slowly but there are lots of other humans dressed in funny yellow coats waving at us – my humans are waving back so it must be ok.
Are we there yet?
Hang on! We are driving on the wrong side of the road and there are signs in another strange language – where are we? Another sign – services – perhaps I might get a drink and maybe a toilet break. There are lots of humans here. Most are speaking what must be their language, but there are lots of cars similar to ours and they have humans who are speaking my humans language – do you think they are all lost? Maybe I could ask that dog just over there, he seems to have done this before.
He says we are going west – so on we go. Three hours later we pass a strange circle of large stones with lots of humans walking around them a bit like penguins that I watched on the TV and they were trying to keep warm – I wonder if this is the same?
Nothing else to report for a while but we have just passed another sign and some of the letters are in another strange language something about Kernow but I haven’t got a clue what the rest was about – maybe my humans can use their mobiles to find out.
Finally in Falmouth
At last the car comes to a stop outside a house. The humans get out and greet another human and then they go inside the house. They come back out and open the car and put my dog ramp in position and put on my lead. I guess I am now going for a walk! But no, I am led down some steps and into the house. This is really the start of my holiday! I am given a dog treat which lasts about 2 seconds (I tried to make it last longer but I failed). Then I am shown around so I follow my mum who is telling me we are in Falmouth though I am none the wiser where this might be.

This must be my main holiday because I have seen so many interesting things and the humans here as so friendly – I guess they like dogs. There are 2 resident dogs here at the house, one says he is Irish which must be another new country and he had to travel in a metal tube to get here and the other is his partner who was born here. They are very friendly.
What I got up to
My adventures in Falmouth have been fabulous and there is so much to see. I have made many new friends and we can meet up without our humans listening to our conversations. Some of my friends are blond retrievers as well but I haven’t met another Danish dog – I haven’t said my dog dad came from there. There are also a lot of smaller dogs around some of them have strange names like Cockerpoo but I guess they are all Europeans. Some, like me, may have come here on holiday and stayed because they love it here. There is a human word for this but I haven’t quite learnt it yet, but we all get along despite our different backgrounds.
Falmouth has lots of really great walks and even has its own Castle. So many trees and there are lots of humans who stop and talk to me – they also want to rub my ears – it must be a greeting custom here – but I don’t mind.

Happy Holiday
Most evenings we spend at our new house in Falmouth and my human mum either prepares our meal or we have a take-away which I am not so keen on. My human dad also has found out that the humans have their own drinks here but it is spelt differently from home. It has the same effect and sometimes makes him sing. I put my paws over my head then.
I have visited so many places I don’t know which ones to tell you about but here I go. Trebah Garden was great that we went back there and the beach and the sea and walks were fantastic. My dad even went for a swim there, Mum didn’t but she did have a paddle with me. We also went to The Lizard – a strange name but I am getting used to that. They even call places TREES here – to help the dogs get around no doubt. We also went to St Ives but there were so many humans there I didn’t see as much as I wanted.

My dad has a new word for his time here and he calls everything here in Cornwall “spectacular” – Mum agrees with him too. I hope we come back because I love it here.
Silly me..
I must finish my story soon but I must tell you about my last adventure. We went on a long country walk on Friday, and I was running around really enjoying myself and even went into the water where I lay down to cool off.
At some point though I must have either drunk some water or possibly eaten something that possibly I shouldn’t have – you know what us dogs are like. We went back home to Falmouth and during the night I really felt ill – no details but – in the morning I really wasn’t feeling well and my humans arranged for me to go to an animal doctor.
Things really went downhill from there and I ended up in intensive care overnight. To make matters worse we were supposed to be travelling home the next day! We had to spend another night in Falmouth, but the next day I felt a little better. We decided to start our journey home and now I am writing this.
I am so sorry mum and dad for all the trouble I have caused – I didn’t mean to. I want to thank everyone who helped us during my current episode. Please let me come back to Cornwall – I won’t do anything stupid again!
Visit Falmouth
Would you like to enjoy a dog friendly holiday in Falmouth like Eloy? Take a look at Dog Friendly Cornwall for advice and suggestions, and see our Things To Do section for what’s on offer in our lovely town. We look forward to welcoming you!