The Visit Falmouth Best Bits of 2014
As 2014 steadily draws to a close we look back on some of the reasons we have to celebrate the year.
For the Visit Falmouth team, (Falmouth District Hoteliers Association), our biggest highlight has been reaching our 75th year. When it was formed back in 1939 at the outset of WW2, it is hard to picture people heading anywhere on their, ‘holidays’, we can only imagine that this was a time when accommodation providers worked hard together to provide a safe and warm place for the many refugees sent to Falmouth for safe keeping.
Today the association continues to support local accommodation providers and tourism in Falmouth. Our biggest achievement this year has been the inclusion of a Free-To-Book system on our website giving our members and you the visitor a cost effective and easy to use direct booking platform.
Over the years there have been many changes and challenges. Our recent celebration at the award winning National Maritime Museum gave our lovely Chair Shaun Davie, the opportunity to share his hopes for the future and the importance of working together.
‘For future tourism here in Falmouth I see many challenges as a result of limited funding from central government and with that diminishing support from organisations such as Visit Cornwall. I feel a growing importance to strengthen our own local association to build on the successes we have achieved and learn together particularly in the constantly changing techniques in marketing. Joining forces with other private organizations such as Fal River whom run our local visitor information centre is a good example of this as together we can support each other. Also BIDs whom work extremely hard on promoting our town and the many events they organise.’
Above all it is the continued support of our many visitors who choose to stay at guest houses, hotels and camp sites here in Falmouth each year that help the work of the FDHA to continue. Many of our visitors return year on year helping to make Falmouth a wonderful town to visit full of welcoming, friendly people. Of course we are hugely blessed to have some of the most stunning landscapes, beaches and historic points of interest but being able to share these with our visitors makes our work worthwhile.
So from all of us at the Falmouth District Hoteliers Association & Visit Falmouth thank you for another wonderful New Year and we wish you all the very best for 2015.
Now for some of the best bits we have found for 2014……..
Did you visit Falmouth in 2014? What are your best memories?